Delegated Nursing Roles and Responsibilities- A Guide for Families and People Who Have Complicated Medical Needs
Families and People Who Have Complicated Medical Needs have options to consider in getting their home care needs met. Sometimes nursing tasks are needed but nurses are not always available or necessary to perform tasks. It is important that Ohioans understand the option of using Delegated Nursing when deciding how to get their care needs met. Delegated Nursing is a service option that allows unlicensed direct support professionals to complete tasks that would normally be completed by a nurse. The Ohio Nursing Collaborative created this guide that provide explanations of the roles and responsibilities of all parties involved when choosing to use Delegated Nursing.
Find it here in English
Find it here in Spanish

Resource on safely attending school during the COVID-19 pandemic
Do you need help navigating the 2021-2022 School Year? This resource is for families who have children and youth with disabilities and special needs to safely attend school during the COVID-19 pandemic. We encourage families to take a copy and share this resource with their school teams during meetings.
A Guide to Nursing Services in Ohio
Telehealth Resources in Ohio
Telecommunication, including telehealth has become much more common in the midst of COVID. We have developed some tools related to telehealth titled, “Get Ready for Your Telehealth Appointment: Essentials for a Family-Centered Experience”. You can find a webinar in English and Spanish, and a factsheet in English, Spanish and Somali here.
Ohio COVID-19 Vaccination Program
Governor DeWine addressed the state on Friday, Dec. 4, in a press conference, sharing information about vaccine distribution in Ohio.
Initially, there will be a limited number of vaccines available, and Ohio is committed to making it widely available for those who want to receive it as quickly as possible as shipments arrive. In conjunction with the recommendations of medical experts from ACIP and NAESM, Ohio has identified who will be among the first to receive those very early shipments in Phase 1A, should they choose to be vaccinated:
•Healthcare workers and personnel, who are routinely involved in the care of COVID-19 patients
•Residents and staff in nursing homes
•Residents and staff in assisted living facilities
•Patients and staff at state psychiatric hospitals
•People with developmental disabilities and those with mental illness, who live in group homes or centers, and staff at those locations
•Residents and staff at our two homes for Ohio veterans
•EMS responders
Using all the tools available to help prevent the spread of the virus continues to be critical until a substantial number of Ohioans can be vaccinated. Continuing to wear masks and social distance will reduce your chance of being exposed to or spreading the virus. Proper prevention measures coupled with the vaccine will provide the best protection from COVID-19.
As vaccine supply increases, the state will continue to vaccinate Ohioans who choose to receive it.
Vaccine Related Resources
Ohio Department of Health
•COVID-19 Vaccine Information Pandemic
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
UCCEDD Annual Report 2019-2020
Find a copy of our Annual Report 2019-2020 here and get a glimpse of what we have been working on during this time.
Transition Bootcamp Virtual Conference, Registration Open
This year’s Transition Bootcamp Conference will take place virtually, Tuesday, January 19 – Thursday, January 21. Learn more here.
Registration is now open for Attendees and Sponsors/Vendors
Safely Celebrating Holidays
Here are a couple of resources that provide guidance on celebrating the upcoming holidays safely.

How was your voting experience?
If you are a person with a disability who participated in the November 3rd election – either by voting early, voting by mail, or voting at your polling place – please share your voting experience with the SABE GoVoter Project. Your response to this survey can help bring problems to light. Take the survey here.
Study Seeking Parents of Kids With Medical Complexities
What’s the purpose of the study? Researchers hope to help parents of children with complex medical conditions with home care through an interactive voice technology mobile app.
Who can take part in this study? Parents of children who have been diagnosed with a complex medical condition such as (but not limited to):
• Cystic fibrosis • Encephalopathy • Chronic pulmonary disease • Cerebral palsy • Down syndrome • Diabetes
More information here